We encourage all FMJA members to submit oral histories of either themselves or colleagues.  You can send those videos in an MP4 format to the FMJA headquarters office to sbedker@fmja.org with the name and court of the person being interviewed and we will upload them to the site.


Samuel Alba
William Brownell
Ronald Ellis
John Maughmer
Franklin Noel
Ila Sensenich
David Baker
Francis Caiazza
Stephen W. Karr
Robert Mitchell (Part 1)
Peter Palermo
Thomas J. Shields
Eugene Beaulieu
William Callahan
Karen Klein
Robert Mitchell (Part 2)
Louisa Porter
John Frederic Simon
Calvin Botley
David Cohen
J. Gregory Wehrman
David Noce
Michael Putnam
Joseph C. Wilkinson, Jr.


Donald Ashmanskas
Charles H. Evans


Stephen Bloom
Nancy Fiora
George E. Juba
Robert P. Murriam
Harvey E. Schlesinger
John P. Cooney
James Denton Hodges
Edward Leavy
Michael J. Newman
Joseph Schmitt
W.Thomas Dillard
Lynn V. Hooe, Jr.
Ronald E. Longstaff
Thomas W. Overall
John Frederic Simon
John M. Facciola
John Jelderks
Peter A. McCabe
Arnold C. Rapoport
Karla R. Spaulding